

Traction also known as manual traction and decompression therapy, is a non-surgical, minimally invasive and effective treatment for chronic and acute low-back pain sufferers.

Traction may be helpful with some common problems that are related to the vertebral disc including:

  • Sciatica
  • Disc Herniation and Bulges
  • Degenerative Discs
  • Failed Low Back Surgery
  • Posterior Facet Syndrome
  • Spinal Stenosis/Arthritis

How Traction Works

When a disc herniates or ruptures, the inner part of the disc protrudes causing pressure on the vertebrae and nerves, which also causes pain. Traction relieves the pain and pressure by applying negative pressure to reverse high intra-disc pressure.

Using traction to gradually stretch the spine allows the displaced material to reposition itself to the core of the disc, which restores the range of movement and relieves pain. Traction also strengthens the outer ligament bands that hold the disc material in place which have become weak and stretched during the bulging effect.

Traction Might be the Solution for You

Traction is a potential treatment for a specific population of people and may be part of your comprehensive rehabilitation program.

Contact our office to see if traction is right for you.

*Reference: American Back Solutions

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Kansas is a direct access state - no doctor referral required for physical therapy!
(913) 484-7632
(913) 484-7632
Marquette Physical Therapy
De Soto
(913) 585-9844
(913) 484-7632